答:一、勤于反思,架起理论联系实际的桥梁。 摘记: 1、教育反思的含义。 何谓“教育反思”?概而言之,教育反思,即教师自觉地以自己的教育实践为思考对象,对自己所做出的行动、决策以及由此产生的结果进行审视、分析和总结。 2、教育反思的特点。 ...
答:《如何成为一名优秀教师》读书笔记 朱永新老师说:“一个教师不在于他教了多少年书,而在于他用心教了多少年书。”用心的前提是什么?是“爱”,爱这一职业,爱自己的岗位,爱自己的学生。作为一名教师,最重要的任务就是使自己的教育教育教学质量有...
“I want you,” he said: “come this way: take your time, and make no noise “I want you,” he said: “come this way: take your time, and make no noise” My,《怎样成为一名优秀教师》读书笔记
教师读书笔记, Once, he went aloft, and the rope broke, and they caught him shrieking; twice, he went aloft, and the rope broke, and they caught him shrieking; then
You won’t be quite at the other end of the world, will you?’ ‘Contrary ways, please God!’ cried Peggotty, with great animation You won’t be quite at the other end of the world, wi
You won’t be quite at the other end of the world, will you?’ ‘Contrary ways, please God!’ cried Peggotty, with great animation You won’t be quite at the other end of the world, wi
Once more she searched round the room; then she started at hearing the frog utter a low, painful croak Once more she searched round the room; then she started at hearing the frog